NYWC tailors projects in music and video production
to coincide with our PRIDE Curriculum. Key components are:
Personal Growth
Initiative & Integrity
Develop Family & Community
Economic Empowerment

During the school day, NYWC works with educators to integrate our PRIDE Curriculum into dynamic and hands-on classes that are aligned with New York State Common Core Standards. Students may receive credit towards graduation from enrolling in our Music Media and Video Production classes.

Hip Hop Academy
Afterschool, NYWC 's digital lounge is open to students city-wide until 5pm and coincides with the academic calendar for days of operation.
Equipped with a Mac Lab and recording studio, students engage in creative endeavors in either PRIDE TV or Hip Hop Academy. Mentoring, homework assistance, college and career planning are built into daily activities.
PRIDE TV teaches students broadcasting and videography where they produce independent documentaries on major issues affecting their lives. Students learn to operate sophisticated cameras and shooting techniques. They are guided through pre-production, production and post production to develop their own artistic work.
Hip Hop Academy uses the attraction of Hip Hop to motivate students to greater academic, social and vocational achievement. Students produce original music and music videos, learn the art of mixing, song writing, sound engineering and editing on professional grade equipment at NYWC's recording studio.